Traveling events coming in April 2022


We hope you are doing well and looking forward to spring weather coming. April 2022 is one of our most exciting and anticipated times of the year. The weather is changing, and we get the opportunity to be out in our great communities meeting new and returning people.

I want to let you know where we are going to be in April so you can stop by and say hi and enjoy all of the festivities.

So, mark your calendars for the following dates:

April 9th, Saturday Springtown, Texas.

Hop and Shop Springtown Texas April 9th
This pop up event is the Springtown Hop & Shop on the Square. Below is the Facebook events page about the who/what and where. Looks like there are going to be things for the kids and adults.  We will be at Market 76082 in their parking lot.

April 22nd-24th, German Fest Muenster, Texas

This event is by far our one of favorite events of the year and if you only make it out to one event this April, make it this one. Come out and enjoy the vendors, music, the great German food and rides....and of course Gala Tea and Gifts. Last year was such a blast seeing old friends and meeting new ones.

Please come out and enjoy these two events with us. We can't wait to see everyone and catch up.


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